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点击进入检查全文2013虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!又是一首让我一听钟,孜孜不倦的好歌!搜了持久,且则找不到有关图片!这种说唱最便利感动,动的声和配乐。Ldy Lickem是彷佛咱们网络歌手的一位美国歌手,在网上能搜到资料很少,不过她的歌都很入耳,众能够去找一下。Ldy Lickem美国网络潮的一首R&B歌曲,私感觉配乐很入耳,值得向众推介。一首舒服的旋律,歌曲中悲伤无尽的吟唱是让我烂醉于其中的因由原由了,轻扬的声吟唱贯穿RAP之间,强健与美混搭的品格最难以抵御了。tell me who you are-通告我是谁,悄然浅浅的唱着,很清闲,很协和。生的说唱歌曲听得不是很多,然而很喜好这首歌感想。追随着这样的音响,就算发发愣也很好Tell me who you ar Ldy Lickem Ifantasize your face as idream alseep hoping and wondering if you think of me does he exsist?does he even know who iam or does he even know my name is my mind playing games ifeel like its amovie where ikeep dreaming to where ikeep waiting waiting for the day,you show up in my life iknow im not going insane maybe its even deja cuhs ifeel like,some how iknow him and ido believe that dreams come true iknow that wasn't the first if it was why can't istop wondering ican't be loosing it nin my fantasies ihave memories of you can this really be true?i don't know/but ireally wanna figure it whats his name/is he real why am isuddenly having these thoughts/now?is it real?Just tell me who you are,Everytime isee your face at dark.i'm having more and more dreams,Please explain it to me.Waking up,i feel like im in adifferent world like im making fantasies,there he is/looking straight at me what do ido/what do isay somehow he just never goes away is it asign of some kind what is he tryna tell me at that point N0A im thinking this aint real nah/it's just make believe pbut then again Imy eyes are wide open?maybe he'll explain who he is/im hoping atleast tell me why he keeps popping up in my head/as idream in my bed im tryna wake up/get away from this confusion somehow it keeps comin back i'm having more illusi idon't know what to do now am isuppose to just sit and wait patiently letting time elaborate on whats going on'n'83d)then again maybe im just tripping and nothing really was wrong?Just tell me who you are,Everytime isee your face at dark.i'm having more and more dreams,Please explain it to me.We Just tell me why your here(why are you here?)is this suppose to be asign(if so,what kind?)Cuhs its been playin with my mind iswear im seeing things,or am iJust tell me who you are,Everytime isee your face at dark.i'm having more and more dreams,Please explain it to me.Just tell me who you are,Everytime isee your face at dark.i'm having more and more dreams,Please explain it to me.风吹起团结的流年,我看见远方的寂静,泪流满面。还是以往的舒服品格。但不是那种撕心裂肺的疼痛了。可是字里行间,还是会有那么一点点痛。听着听着,犹如又回到了以前的子.那些也曾在我生命中泛起过、损失了的,都也曾通告过我他是谁.浏览本文的人还浏览金牛座男生最配星座韦德和科比打架金牛座恋情观快乐男声成都唱区兰蔻胶原蛋白防晒霜文章根源地址:


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