2013虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!注:火星在9宫,宗教方面的题目受到影响,盘主至少会对其持迷惘态度。若必要更深切的剖释,可以看看9宫主星和木星。68.He that has Mercury well posited but the Moon afflicted shall understand well,but deliberate ill,and therefore such,though they may advise others excellently,yet shall manage their own affairs foolishly.假设水星位置相位良,然而月亮受克或落陷得势,那么盘主了解力会很好,然而抒发/奉行才能却很差。以是,这样的固然能给他很好的发起,然而在自己的事上会很聪明。注:卡丹其实认为"假设水星位置相位良,然而月亮受克或落陷得势"的是机敏的,然而不确实际。他们的发起在实践上是不错的。这里的deliberate,咱们可以了解为发起/点子的告终/奉行。实践上,咱们都看法过着奇异生的机敏。在这句论断里,月亮的受克使状况好转:假设月亮能量充沛,水星可以抒发/奉行作得更好。这也就是月亮对心智的影响。69.When Venus shall be too powerful in ageniture,and in places of the Infortunes,inconveniences are to be feared from unlawful loves.假设命盘上金星太过强势,并位于凶星入庙的住址,盘主很有可以因"不合"的而遇到贫穷。注:在火星入庙的住址(白羊、天蝎),金星都是弱势的。在土星入庙的住址,金星是"看起来不受影响"(水瓶)或"星座"(摩羯)。然而在这些星座内里,金星的气力都没有取得增强,以是,金星要"太过强势",只可以是有意的其余原由,例如金星为命主星,或合了4角。这4个星座中,有3个会赋予金星的含意,加上自在恋、新奇的水瓶座偏偏可谋求没有制约的-在16世纪,们很可以把这些套上"不合"的标签。金星的气力被有意增强,确实称得上是"贫穷"。70.When the Moonand Mercury,and Lord of the Ascendant shall be all in double-bodied Signs,the Native will be naturally addicted to old opinions and curious religious notions.假设月亮、水星和命主星皆落入双体星座,盘主会入迷于新鲜的看并对新奇的宗教概念感兴趣。注:我猜双体星座代表盘主的主意永久是平衡的(特地是在曩昔的与当今的之间)。值得注意的是,这样的位置,月亮合水星很可以造硬相位,不是冲就是刑,或是合。这也解说了"入迷"和"感兴趣"。另:双体星座特指双子、双鱼和射手(半半马)。卡丹用的是等宫制,所以这里的冲、刑和合都是很有可以的。71.When Saturn and Mars behold each other,and the Luminaries be posited in the sixth,eighth,or twelfth houses,the Native shall labour under some incurable disease and lead alife wholly miserable.土星和火金牛座星座星相位,且太阳和月亮位于第6宫、第8宫或第12宫,盘主会为某些不能治愈的固执疾病干扰,一世困难。注:卡丹自己的本命盘就是火星合土星于2宫,太阳月亮位于6、12宫。72.When the Moonis in the Mid-heaven in Capricorn,and Saturn or Mars in the fourth,the Native will be infamous,and so much the worse if Mars be in Taurus,and the Moon in Scorpio,for then many troubles will attend him during his whole life.当月亮合中天并位于摩羯座,且土星或火星位于4宫,盘主会是一个美名昭着的;假设火星在金牛座,月亮在天蝎座,盘主的状况会更糟,一辈子都会被贫穷缠上。注:位于中天的月亮落陷,代表心的缭乱以及事业、公共关联有关的题目。冲了4宫的土星合火星,代表事业起升沉伏和失利。十分的状况还有当月亮与火星落陷,合轴(中天天底一轴)且对冲。73.When Venus iswith Saturn and Mars,and in opposition to the place of the Moon,the Native shall be but afool,yet think himself aPhilosopher.金星与土星火星相合,且位于月亮入庙耀升相对的星座,盘主会是个傻瓜,然而专擅专行哲学家。注:金星、土星和火星相合冲月亮,代表月亮遇事犹豫不决、贫瘠运动步履力(火星)且压迫(土星)。与金星造相位,赋予了盘主一些细胞。不论怎么,盘主的思维拙笨愚钝、不稳固且经常不懂装懂。74.For the profession or Art of the Native we must consider the Planet which being Oriental first makes its egress from under the Sun beams,and if with this there be another in the Mid-heaven that beholds the Moon,take him for an Assistant,but if there be no such Planet coming from under the Sun beams take him that is in the mid-heaven,and if there be non therein posited then the Lord of it,and the places of Mars,Venus,and Mercury,but when these happen to be many,the Native will practice several Arts;now the Art aNative practices is much affected by the series of revolutions,which is they agree with his Nativity,he will be delighted with it;otherwise he will do it against his will.对于盘主的职业,咱们必须研商太阳东边的第一个星体(当然是没有被燃烧掉的),假似乎时还有一个星体合了中天并与月亮造相位,这颗星为协助研商的星体;假设没有星体合太阳,则主要研商合中天的星体;假设没有星体合中天,研商10宫主星,以及火星、金星、水星的位置;假设这些位置有多个星体,说明盘主会从事多种职业/存在多种技术;盘主的技术很大水平上受到返照的影响:假设与其降生盘相协和,那么盘主会很情愿从事该项技术;反之,盘主会遵守自己的期望而做事。注:东面第一个星体是事业最主要的征象星,在东面象征着其比太阳的经度小,位于相合与相冲之间。事业的另一个征象星是位于10宫并与月亮相位的星体。事业的第3征象星可以研商火星、金星和水星,因为这些星体移动转移较急迅,对咱们的常生影响较大。返照更是推进了上述相位组合的影响。75.A prime causeo星座分别f men leading single lives is the combustion of the Moon in their Nativities with Saturn,or eminently afflicted by him,so in women if aPlanet be combust or the Sun in Taurus greatly afflicted.男独身的主要原由之一是其命盘上的月亮合了土星,或是被其告急刑克;对付来说,则是某个星体合土星,或太阳位于金牛且原告急刑克。注:月亮在男的降生图上是的征象星,月亮被土星刑克代表了冷酷疏离的感。十分,咱们可以推理出,命盘中太阳被刑克,特地是当太阳位于金牛座时(金牛座自身带有呆板的属)。76.Mars and Mercury evilly disposed,and in conjunction with the Moon,signifies Thieves and Robbers,but if Saturn behold them,or be in the Seventh,they will suffer according to their deserts,and therefore whenever you see indications of grievous crimes,consider whether the Infortunes are strong or not,and oppress the Sun,Moon,or Lord of the Ascendant;or if the Lord of the Ascendant be combust,or in an enemy to the Moon,for then undoubtedly the Native will suffer for his Villainy.火星和水星落陷/得势/被刑克,且合月亮,是小偷或匪贼的符号;假设还与土星相位,或是位于第7宫,那么他们会受到应得的惩罚。以是,不论何时看到令不欢喜的罪状踪象,研商一下凶星是否有气力,是否刑克太阳、月亮或命主星;假设命主星被燃烧,或是位于月亮落陷/得势的住址,那么盘主会受到其恶行应得的惩罚是勿庸置疑的。注:得势的火星和水星代表峭拔的思维,严酷且鄙俚。假设与月亮有关联,这样的行星位置会影响盘主的思维去做坏事,例如抢劫。与土星有相位代表惩罚,特地是位于代表实施的第7宫时。在不好的盘上,强有力的凶星代表正义的主导。坏加上坏就是好。(对此条保存看法,多少百年前的度范例完整用在当今并不妥贴。)77.When the Moonis joined to Saturn in an Angle,the Native though agrandee will be reduced to poverty.月亮合土星并合了角,盘主固然是富饶家的小孩也将会壁荒凉。注:月亮与得势的土星合于角,代表倒霉与灾荒。78.Let him that has Mars in the second house beware o男人分别"金牛座的男人金牛座男人最配星座你说分别就"f concerning himself in merchandise.火星在第2宫,盘主应留神从事商业动。注:就此条而言,卡丹自己很有巨头,因为他自己的命盘中火星和土星就在2宫。79.He that hath aNativity unfortunate for riches and honour,and yet the Moon in conjunction with an eminent propitious fixed star,shall unexpectedly become potent,and again fall to misery,but to judge of the greatness of the event consider the state of the Moon.假设本命2、10宫弱势,但月亮合了大吉的恒星,盘主将会出意表地变得强盛有气力,然而最终仍会变得清贫;要剖断该转折事务的告急,应研商月亮的状况。注:此条内里强调了恒星的影响。假设命盘贫瘠气力,恒星即示意大起大落,特地是与代表朝三暮的月亮相合。80.When Venus isin the eleventh,Mercury in the twelfth,the Sun in the horoscope,Jupiter in the second,Saturn in the sixth and the Moon in the ninth,so many and great accidents will happen to he Native that his life may justly be esteemed prodigious.假设金星位于11宫,水星位于12宫,太阳位于高涨,木星位于2宫,土星位于6宫,月亮位于9宫,盘主将遭逢许多的意外事务,其生富余讶异。注:很显着,卡丹在磋议一个特定的命盘。咱们不知道是谁的盘,然而盘主应当是机敏的(太阳和高涨),富饶(木2),有恒心(土6),品格高尚(月9),且能激进奥密(水12)。这些征象为咱们映现出一个失利的高层文职官员的画面,还很可以与奥密商量有关,其生确实很可以富余讶异。81.Saturn,Mars and the Dragon's Head in the fourth,betokens sudden death.土星、火星合龙头于4宫,预示着暴毙。注:4宫代表事的了解。土星、火星和罗喉都是凶星,特地是罗喉,不稳固且不可预知。以是,灭可以是卒然爆发的且暴力的(因为凶星在此)。82.When the Moonin anocturnal Geniture passes by her beams form Mars to Saturn,many inconveniences will happen to he Native,chiefly associated with women.假设早晨降生,且月亮与火星出相并与土星入相,盘主将遭逢很多贫穷,且主要是与有关。注:月亮是的符号。晚间降生的盘,月亮是主要发光体,气力更强。被两颗凶星刑克,代表与有关的贫穷。83.Those personsare like to prove very learned in whose N金牛座男人ativities Saturn,Venus,Jupiter and the Moon,do exactly behold Mercury,provided that neither Saturn nor the moon be posited in the Ascendant,and that there be no planet in an angle,for any planet strong in an Angle is an impediment to wisdom.土星、金星、木星和月亮与水星造准确相位,盘主会富饶知识,除非土星或月亮位于高涨,且4角有星体相合,因为星体与4角相合会妨害智力。注:水星与多颗行星有相位,特地是吉星,代表反面的高智商。土星赋予强盛的了解力(固然土星会使思索速度消沉),金星赋予粗俗的思维,木星增加思索才能,月亮使感与聪明分别。另外,土星和月亮不能与高涨造负相,因为其分别代表僵化与震撼;强盛的行星位于角,使盘主自大;这些都是研习中应当防止的题目。84.When the Sun peregrine in"Corde Coeli"shall be in square of the Moon in the Seventh,the Native will come to be the chief of his family or faction,but shall die suddenly.太阳孤立于中天,且于位于7宫的月亮相刑,盘主会为其家庭或小团体的指点元首,然而会暴毙。注:Anton Grigoryev对此条这样评论:卡丹写下这条论断时,应用的是一种特地的宫位制:等宫制。这样的话,中天不用定合10宫头。在Seven Segments内里,卡丹称中天为Corde Coeli,即天国的宗旨(Corde是cor的一种变体)。Seven Segments的盘中,10宫头是天蝎座17度,而中天是射手6度。反面,卡丹换用了Regiomontanus宫位制。85.In all Nativities examine exactly all the Moon's conditions in relations to the three ways whereby she is exalted f金牛座分别or'tis very necessary.在所有的降生图中,仔细阅览月亮庙落旺陷、三方宫、互容等有关的状况,这很主要。注:解读本命盘时,月亮的强弱很主要。月亮作为移动转移最快的星体,议定与其余星体造相位以激其气力。86.When Infortunes are in Angles and Fortunes in Succedent houses,or the Moon combust,and the Lord of her place strong and happy,or Jupiter Cadent and his disposition well dignified:the Native from asad mean condition and great misery shall rise to aconsiderable grandeur and felicity,and so on the contrary.假设凶星合4角,吉星位于随后宫;或月亮被燃烧,且其所在宫位的宫主星气力强相位良;或木星位于变迁宫且其定位星强有力:盘主会从清贫困难的状况走进去,进入到一种高尚幸运且与之前完整相同的田产。注:前半句想要抒发宫位在一世中都是向前移动转移的意思。后半句则是对于定位星。John Frawley说过"Situation is bad,but sooner or later someone will come along to help you out of it"(岂论状况有多坏,迟早会有来救济改变窘迫的局面)87.When the MoonVenus and Mars are altogether in conjunction,'tis afit time to bring Neros and such cursed monsters of mankind into the world:the Native's manners are prodigiously wicked.假设月金火3星相合,盘主会是一个悍戾峭拔的妖怪。月金火的合相代表热闹的,像Nero(Nero是古罗马一暴君)。再次,别忘了阅览木星的状况,强有力的木星会号衣峭拔的思维。88.Jupiter elevated and alittle infortunated,destroys the natives children but preserves his estate:if he be descending and low and not unfortunate,he gives children but not an estate.木星得势但被纤细刑克,盘主会?失其孩子,然而仍保存其财产;假设木星得势但没有刑克,那么盘主会?失财产保存孩子。男人星座金牛座的男人金牛座男人最配星座你说分别就注:木星是小孩和富饶的自然征象星。得势的木星代表过去的就,其被纤细刑克,代表社方面的失利然而家庭题目方面的失利。假设木星强有力,且位于地平线以下,其良的影响则是转向其家庭方面,社/肉体方面的就会较少。89.When Saturn does not threaten aviolent death,yet if he be in,or lord of the seventh or eighth houses he signifies the Native shall die from Grief of the mind.当土星不为暴毙的身分时,假设其位于第7宫,或是7宫或8宫的宫主星,代表盘主将会于心田的忧虑(Grief of the mind)。注:心田的忧虑(Grief of the mind)可以解说为忧伤症或自觉采纳的独身。两者都是由土星造的(7宫永久弱势)。90.Infortunes peregrine in the seventh house,having dominions in the Ascendant,denotes the deaths of the Native's wives or enemies.凶星位于7宫,孤立,且为命主星,代表盘主妻子或冤家的灭。注:命主星为凶星且位于7宫即代表盘主自己,提神7宫所代表的事务,即火伴或冤家。孤立(peregrine),代表盘主对他们而言是深沉的主持,带来倒霉乃至是灭。为这样的盘主的冤家真是倒霉。Anton Grigoryev举了Elizabeth I的例子,例盘摘自Lily的Prophetical Merlin 91.It is next toimpossible that they that have never aplanet above the earth,nor in the Ascendant of their nativities should either live long or accomplish any great matters in the world.假设命盘没有任何星体位于地平线之上,或位于命宫,盘主不可以龟龄或就小事。注:命宫空宫且星盘上半部没有星体落入,代表盘主会在后半生显示出其才能(一样往常的后半生都贫瘠元气?心灵与时机)另外,龟龄自身就是不多见的(特地是在卡丹那个时间),有这样征象的盘主一样往常不能到享受这种大器晚型命盘带来的效。92.The number ofa Native's wives(where only one at once is lawful)is to be found out not only from the Concourse of the planets or Coon sighs,but with that you must consider that fit applications of the Moon to planets at ripe years and testimonies of the Death of Wives do also concur.盘主妻子的数目除了可以参考星体招集或变迁星座(双子座、座、射手座和双鱼座),也应分别其适龄后月亮与星体造入相位以及其配偶的灭来剖断。注:卡丹在这条里磋议的是月亮的促进。93.When Mars or Mercury afflict the Lord of the Seventh,being elevated above him,the Native will kiss his wife or his enemy,even though it be wit poison,especially if either of them have power in the Ascendant.假设火星或水星刑克7宫主星,且比其更强有力,盘主可以害其妻子或冤家(此处为意译),特地是当其妻子或冤家的高涨都没有气力时。注:我迷惘卡丹在此条磋议的是其大儿子的命盘。他的大儿子因为打定害其妻子而被处。此条的意思和第90条似乎彷佛,水星和火星代表对7宫(火伴)峭拔的希图。94.In awoman's Nativity Mars shall be under the Sun's Beams,shall will be apt to play the Harlot with her servants and mean fellows but if Venus be true,then she will trade discreetly with Nobles and gallants of quality.在的命盘中,火星合太阳,盘主可以会频仍地与其谋求者或鄙俚的往;若金星位置良,她在与贵族的往来中会格外留神。注:咱们可以在当代很多明星的命盘中看到火合相,这样相位的调换伴侣比力频仍。太阳是男的自然征象星,其被男人金牛座火星刑克代表盘主伴侣的羞耻和丑闻。另外,研商金星的状况,金星强有力时的"留神往",会在其得势时变得不怎么高尚。95.Infortunes afflicting the place of children,if they be but alittle weak,the Native may have children,if much debilitated,the children he has will die,if they be very weak he be wholly barren.凶星刑克代表孩子的宫位,假设其只是细健康势,盘主可以会有孩子;假设弱势较显着,盘主的小孩会夭折;假设相当弱势,那么盘主不会有小孩。注:格外清楚的论断。我见过一个土星狮子合5宫头的盘,盘主30岁,结婚7年,没有小孩。96.When the Lordof the Geniture is an Infortune and does not behold the place of children,or being afortune beholds them with an aspect of hatred,the native will never love his children as he ought to do.盘主星为凶星,没有与代表小孩的宫位造相位;或盘主星是吉星,但刑克代表小孩的宫位,预示盘主不会珍自己的小孩。注:这里磋议了1宫与5宫的关联,与第55条磋议的1宫与10的关联格外相似。阅览1宫与5宫主的气力得失状况(囊括宫头造的相位)并作出论断。十分的顺序实用于其余题目。97.When Mercury is under the earth he has greater efficacy in relation to giving Arts and Sciences,but in respect of eloquence he is best when he is above the earth.水星位于地平面下方,盘主的研习才能会更强;但水星位于地平面上方的的口才更好。注:位于地平面上方,水星与其余行星一样,赋予盘主的是其气力私人的一面,例如报告口才。位于地平面以下,其赋予盘主书面沟通的才能,例如写作等等。98.When Mars is exactly on the cusp the Mid-heaven and has no dominion in the Ascendant if the Native live to any considerable age,'tis much to be feared that he will be killed.火星准确合中天,且不是命主星,假设盘主年齿较大,他很可以被谋。注:假设火星为命主星,假设其位于中天,代表的是盘主自己的擢升。这条论断排挤了火星为命主的状况,代表造灭的外部(且暴力)状况。99.When it happens that the Significators of persons of quality well posited in their own genitures,are such as were unfortunate in the Nativities of their Parents,it signifies that they shall spin out alaborious life as to riches and honours to aconsiderable age,and then by successive increases,shall attain to great Estates and Eminence,whence'tis evident that the lives of no persons may be more unlikely to each other,than theirs who were born at the same time.若盘主的征象星在自己的命盘中位置良,但在其父母的盘中不好,代表其命运多锻炼,并且要到比力大的年齿才能取得财产和幸运,若继续蕴蓄沉积,可以取得巨额的财产和高贵的职位中央。可以看出,同时降生的的命运比其余任何相比更为不同。注:在当代,咱们很少能将命盘与父母的盘举办比力,然而此条论断的主要意思是长者对子弟就方面的影响。此条论断的后半部,以我的了解,意思是即是降生时间相同,并不象征着两小我有相同的命运,因为其命运岂但受其自身命盘的影响,还得研商其父母长者的命盘。100.Nativities that can never be good,are such as have both the infortunes in the same place joined to one of the Luminaries,or when infortunes single are singly joined to the Luminaries,or when the Moon is under sun beams with Saturn or Mars,or where all the planets are in the third,sixth,eighth houses;or when the infortunes are in Angles,and the Luminaries and Fortunes cadent,or when the Luminaries only are cadent and all the other planets Retrograde or when both Luminaries and both Fortunes are afflicted,or when only Mars in above the earth the other planets not being mutually joined nor in Angles.存在以下状况之一,盘主的命运多桀:2凶星(土、火)合了太阳或月亮,或火、土之一合了太阳或月亮,或月亮合了太阳,又合了土星或火星,或所有的星体都位于3、6、8宫;或土、火合了4角,且太阳月亮合吉星位于变迁宫,或太阳月亮位于变迁宫,其余星体所有逆行或太阳月亮和两吉星(金木)所有受克,或惟有火星位于地平面以上,而其余星体没有造良相位或合4角。注:此条列出了一样往常受克状况,主要着重于发光体(太阳月亮)。文章根源地址: