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Aries Man Pisces Woman Compatibility


Want to know what happens when an Aries man dates a Pisces woman? Read the following article on Aries man Pisces woman compatibility to know whether these two signs who are quite opposite to each other in many aspects are compatible or not.

Aries and Pisces are the first and the last signs of the Zodiac, respectively. Hence being at the extreme ends of the zodiac signs, one may always wonder whether these two signs are compatible with each other or not. Especially if you being an Aries man are dating a Pisces woman, you would be definitely curious to know the compatibility between Aries man and Pisces woman. To know Aries man Pisces woman compatibility, keep reading...

Aries Man. People born between March 21 - April 19 belong to the zodiac sign Aries which is a fire sign and ruled by the planet Mars. Aries man, often known for his masculine nature, is an active, adventurous and outgoing person who hates monotony or dullness in life. Though he is independent and assertive by nature, at times he can be extremely naive, ending up trusting people blindly. Being a child at heart which sometimes make him a bit restless or irritated, an Aries man is generous and full of compassion for people he really care about. And when it comes to women, he is not the one to be impressed by physical appearances, rather he likes women who are intelligent, honest and can keep up with his pace of life. For more information read the article characteristics of Aries male.

Pisces Woman. People born between February 19 - March 20 belong to Pisces, the most compassionate and considerate sign of all Zodiac signs, which is a water sign and ruled by planet Neptune. The Pisces personality profile and description can at times be a bit perplexing. Being extremely emotional and mystical, a Pisces woman is one who like to swim in an endless sea of emotions and would never like to come out of her dreamworld, which at times can make her withdraw into shell of solitude seeing the harsh realities and practicalities of life. However, she is full of warm charms that can make any guy fall for her at just the first glance. Being a good listener and submissive in nature, a Pisces woman never tries to dominate her man and would always look up to him for immense love, care and protection. For more information on Pisces woman, read the article Pisces love match and characteristics of Pisces zodiac sign.

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